torsdag 22. november 2007

Retro racing oval

Here are some pictures of a very good looking Oval built by Karmann Konnection about ten years ago. The car featured a aluminium engine lid. Amazing car!! The last picture from Volksworld Show 07, with Porsche rims.

mandag 19. november 2007

The Rui Barndoor

Few other Norwegian cars has got the same attention on international level than this Barndoor bus. The opinions about the bus have been many, without repeating the story here. In our eyes this bus has it all, and the details are outstanding. When we saw the first pictures of this bus, it was almost unbelivable that it had norwegian plates. And still today, this one is hard to beat. So here are a few pictures of the bus as a 6V tribute to one of the "Hardest" buses ever...

onsdag 14. november 2007

Autofil 1949

Jan Erik Larsens grandfather out testing the hottest thing on the automobil scene 1949... Do you think a 2007 VW Golf would have followed the 49? Nope =)

tirsdag 13. november 2007

Gardermoen Raceway 88

The Scandinavian Cal Look Classic 2008 are these days advertised as a 100% VW event. The last couple of years the SCC has been in the shadow of a dragrace weekend open to all sorts of cars and bikes. But next year will be different, and rumors says they are aiming high.

A flash back to Bug Jam 88, held at the same ex military airfield that SCC 08 will go down. A lot has changed, but who wouldnt want to show up in that Pre A for a 20-year celebration?

Back to eighties

Here is a cool ad from a Norwegian car mag from the late eighties. The ad reflects some of the success of the Kvikk Motor team in rallycross the actual season. The technology and stamina of these engines were probably used in the street engines that left this shop. Many of the engines are still around, and often found in roadster or porsche-kit equipped cars from the eighties. When the barns of norway are emptied of splits, this will be the hunting treasures of the future?

mandag 12. november 2007

Kvikk Motor 1750 ccm part 2

Here is the rest of the article from Right On magazine 3-88. There are quite a few tricks to learn here. Almost unbelievable that it's 20 years ago already... Looking for Part 3 as well, the dyno test of the engine. More to come..

Kvikk Motor 1750 ccm Part 1

Just scanning through a magazine from 1988 I found an article on modifying a beetle engine.The article was covering the build up of a roadster-project engine in Right On Magazine. The funny thing is that the engine described is a 1750 ccm with 90,0 mm bore built by Kvikk Motor. Just exactly the same engine Fürsten and Knechten tracked down and bought last summer. The same engine used in the 53 Rallye Oval this summer. We did know little or nothing about the engine when we bought it, other than it was nearly broken in. Here we probably have the complete receipe for our engine. Our plan is to supply the engine with a dual carburator set up in the future. Maybe the engine will burn rubber with the zwitter next summer?

fredag 9. november 2007

Glockler Porsche Spyder

I can't help the fact that this ride looks amazing. This car was as I understand a private built prototype for the more known 550 Spyder later factory built by Porsche. The Glockler was made around 51/52 and used for pure racing =) There was a replica car for sale at ebay/samba recently for an affordable price. The kit was made in the US in the early eighties. That would have been SOMETHING to drive !!

torsdag 8. november 2007

Historic Rallye

I found these pictures on a swedish site addicted to roof-mounted search lights. Look at these pictures, it's quite amazing. Today it's hard to imagine someone driving like a mad man on gravel roads in a pre A or a Sunroof Split =) All cars have swedish plates...

Creating a new corner of the blog

Not to mess up the project blogs, we have created a new blog to share some VW history. We hope to post interresting things related to our hobby. Old pics, ads or other cool stuff we want share. As an example is this picture of Gmund Porsches... No words needed.